- Editorial — Angela McShane
- An Unusual Embroidery of Mary Magdalene — Roisin Inglesby
- Printed Sources for a South German Games Board — Nick Humphrey
- ‘Sawney’s Defence’: Anti-Catholicism, Consumption and Performance in 18th-Century Britain — Danielle Thom
- A Weft-Beater from Niya: Making a Case for the Local Production of Carpets in Ancient Cadhota (2nd to mid-4th century CE) — Swati Venkatraman Iyer
- Out of the Shadows: The Façade and Decorative Sculpture of the Victoria and Albert Museum, Part 1 — Melissa Hamnett
- Gestures, Ritual & Play: Interview with Liam O’Connor — Lina Hakim
- Contributors
- About